יום ג Date: 5 Sivan, 5774 (6/3/14) – RoshHashana#26 {Eliezer}

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[26a middle] R’ Chisda: On Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol may not enter into the Holy of Holies with GOLD vestments because “Ein Kataigor Na’ase Saneigor” (a prosecutor can not be used as a defendant) [due to the GOLDEN calf that the Jewish people sinned with, he may not request forgiveness wearing GOLDEN clothing]. However, we know the Medrish explains that the Red COW was to atone for the sin of the Golden COW. Why isn’t the same concept applied here as well?

E’s Lesson: We may not use the same vehicle to drive in two opposite directions. If we do not change and beg forgiveness, we are like misbehaving children begging for treats. We must transform our haughty “golden” selves into red “dust” of the earth to truly repent to gain mercy and favor once again.