יום ב Date: 4 Sivan, 5774 (6/2/14) – RoshHashana#25 {Tani}
Listen To Our Own
[25b middle] Braisa: Every generation has its leaders, and they should all be listened to. Even the least significant ones are equated with the most holy, to show you that you should listen to the leaders of your own generation and not seek to go elsewhere for rulings.
T’s Lesson: Many times a person has trouble following the rulings of a Rabbi in his Shul or a Rav in his community. A person may think, “Why should I listen to Rav Ploni? He is no Moshe Rabbenu!” But one needs to abide by the rulings and leadership of the current leaders, especially within his own community and by doing so it is as if he listened to Moshe Rabbenu.