יום א Date: 3 Sivan, 5774 (6/1/14) – RoshHashana#24 {Tani}
[24b Bottom] Rav Yehudah wore a ring with an image on it and Shmuel told him to deface it since it had a face [and people might think he made it himself, in violation of the prohibition of making forms.] The image was protruding and Shmuel wanted him to avoid suspicion [even though R’ Yehudah did nothing wrong himself].
Rabbi Artscroll [SHLITA]: A person’s actions must not only be proper before Hashem, but before men and above human suspicion as well, because we want to make sure the leaders set a good example.
T’s lesson: We should all try to be the best examples we can for others in our own daily lives and try our hardest to avoid doing anything that may make people think we are doing something wrong.