יום ד Date: 21 Iyar, 5774 (5/21/14) – RoshHashana#13 {Tani}
[13a top] R’ Kahana & R’ Yirmiyah [quoting Yehoshua]: When the Jews came into Israel, they offered the Omer sacrifice with barley (and it grew to a third in non-Jewish hands, which is still permissible to use).
T’s lesson: It is extremely important to capitalize on a Mitzvah. Joshua brought the people into the land, and one of the first things they did was offer a Korban. Even though they did not really have the materials they made due with produce that a non-Jew grew because it was so important and necessary to do so. So too should we try to do Miztvos at the earliest possible moment (ie: go to earliest minyan and not wait).