יום ג Date: 20 Iyar, 5774 (5/20/14) – RoshHashana#12 {Tani}

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[12a middle] R’ Chisda: Noach’s generation acted with heated corruption and inappropriate fiery passion. Hashem, in turn, punished them in an abnormal manner with a destructive flood of boiling water.

T’s lesson: Hashem always enacts his vengeance upon those who do not act properly and it is always in the realm of Middah K’negged Middah (measure for measure). For example, if one is not kind to his/her fellow, Hashem will not be kind to that person. It is not up to us to take vengeance on people who wronged us because Hashem will take care of them. They will have their day in court with Hashem, and get what they deserve. We must never play G-d. Act well and Hashem will treat us well in return.