יום ג Date: 20 Iyar, 5774 (5/20/14) – RoshHashana#12 {Eliezer}

[ A+ ] /[ A- ]


[12a middle] Chidushay Harim: The generation of the flood was destroyed because of stealing. This major sin actually incorporates all other evil that prevailed in those times. ALL Aveiros (transgressions) are in fact direct stealings from G-d. When one does things in violation of G-d’s will, he/she is taking what Hashem created and stealing from Him. Misuse of an object is stealing and damaging to its rightful Owner.

E’s Lesson#1: The world is not “ours for the taking” as western philosophy might lead us to believe. We each have a place and a purpose with a mission to fulfill. Our talents are meant to help be a Tikun Olam (a fixing for the world). When people use their gifts/tools inappropriately, not only do they not get the job done, but their tools are damaged in the process [think of how a specialty knife not only does not work well as a screw driver, but gets ruined in the attempt]. May we always use our tools properly and create most-magnificent, ever-lasting, spiritual sculptures.


[12b bottom] Braisa: A vows not to benefit/pleasure from B for this whole year. Even if it is said on the last day of the year, this last day’s abstinence counts as a completion of A’s vow (and A does not need to elongate the prohibition into the coming year). This is because A took on the vow to cause pain/anguish “Mitzta’er” by abstaining from certain things, and even if this feeling is only is Mitzta’er for a few hours, that is still enough to be considered significant for the vow’s fulfillment.

R’ Shalom Rosner quotes Sifsei Chachomim that connects this to a GM’ in Krisus: Yissurim (hardships and any type of pain/discomfort) include even reaching into a pocket for a specific coin and mistakenly taking out a different one. Even this little stress/anxiety is a DIRECT message from Hashem.

E’s Lesson#2: EVERYTHING is straight from G-d with a direct purpose. Whether we have a slight nuisance or a major catastrophe, we must recognize that Hashem is trying to send us a message. He always starts with small hints and only works up to blasting us, G-d forbid, if we fail to recognize Him reaching out to us. Keep our eyes and ears open at all times! If we would only try to work on ourselves with constant self-reflection, there would not be a need for G-d to send us any Yissurim in life.