יום ב Date: 19 Iyar, 5774 (5/19/14) – RoshHashana#11 {Tani}
[11a middle] Rav Yehoshua ben Levi: Hashem created all of creation them with their full stature and according to THEIR will/desire (“Bikomosun”). The Pasuk also says “Vayichulu Hashamayim Vihaaraetz Vichul Tzivaum” (and the Heavens and the Earth and all their hosts were completed). The word “Tzivaum” can read as “Tzivyonum” (their desire) instead.
T’s lesson: Hashem always has our best interests in mind. When he created all the different creatures of the world, he made sure to include each and every aspect and took their “wants” into consideration as well. Artscroll explains that Hashem took into account what the creatures wanted for their own forms and characteristics. He made sure to include them into each creature’s design. So too, we should always keep in mind the needs of others and if we want to do for others we should ask them so as to have their best needs in mind.