יום א Date: 18 Iyar, 5774 (5/18/14) – RoshHashana#10 {Tani}
We’ve got the POWER!
[10b bottom] R’ Eliezer: The world was created in the month of Tishrei. Rabbi Artscroll explains that this refers to man who was created on the sixth day. The whole purpose of creation is man and the world was not considered complete until man was made. The Braisa equate the creation of man with the creation of the world.
T’s lesson: Man is considered as the pinnacle of creation and given such a lofty status that it is hard to fathom! Man has been given great power and responsibility in this world. He is given the mission of being the true fulfillment of Hashem’s will and creation. We should be careful to use our power properly when performing Hashem’s will through doing Mitzvos in this world.