שבת Date: 17 Iyar, 5774 (5/17/14) – RoshHashana#9 {Tani}
ELDC: Every Little Detail Counts
[9a bottom] Chiya bar Rav from Difti: The Pasuk says, “On the ninth day you should afflict yourself.” But we fast on Yom Kippur, which is the tenth!? Rather, the verse teaches that whoever eats and drinks on the ninth, the Torah treats him as if he fasted on the ninth and the tenth. The more one eats and drinks on the ninth, the better.
T’s lesson: We should be careful to stay attuned to the details of the Mitzvos. If one takes a careful reading to how the Mitzvos are described one can learn very many interesting details and nuances to be upheld. We should always ensure a careful reading and enacting of the Mitzvos.