יום א Date: 11 Iyar, 5774 (5/11/14) – RoshHashana#3 {Tani}
[3b middle] Gemarah: Nechemiah was serving the King when he heard of the destruction in Israel to the Beis Hamikdash. Nechemiah’s statements were usually cheerful, but due to the news, he was deeply saddened. The king asked what he wanted and he responded to go to Israel to build it back up. The king allowed and provided for Nechemiah during his travels.
T’s lesson: We should never lose sight that in America (in Galus, exile) we are strangers in a strange land abiding to rules that are not our own. Although we live with the Torah, we still have to respect the land we currently inhabit and have Hakaros Hatov (thanks and appreciation). In this exile, we are, Thank G-d, treated with freedoms and many rights. We must ensure to abide properly by the laws of the land, and set a good example with a Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d’s name) wherever we live.