שבת Date: 10 Iyar, 5774 (5/10/14) – RoshHashana#2 {Eliezer}
[2a top] Mishna: There are four classified Rosh Hashonas (“New Years”) that we count different beginnings from:
1) Beginning of a King’s Year and YomTovim (which start at Nissan)
2) Animal Tithes (start from Elul)
3) Shemittah & Yovel cycles, Plants & Vegetable Tithes (from Tishrei)
4) Maaser from Trees (Beis Shammai from Shevat, Beis Hillel from Tu (15th) Bi’Shevat).
E’s Lesson: The Mishna teaches us that various times throughout the year may be classified as our “New Year.” The Holiday of Rosh Hashona itself is not included in the Tracate’s proper order of the cyclical Holidays through the year. This is because the elements of Rosh Hashona are all about repentance, forgiveness and closeness. These themes should not be saved for one official day. We must always view each day as a rebirth and renewal of ourselves. We have the potential for a New Year every day and we should become NEW and better improved versions of what we were yesterday.