יום ו Date: 9 Iyar, 5774 (5/9/14) – Beitzah#40 {Tani}
[40a bottom] Last Mishna: It is prohibited to water and slaughter range animals (animals that stay the night in the pasture), while it is permitted to water and slaughter domestic animals (animals that come home for the night). The Gemarah explains that the Mishna teaches us about watering (even though we knew this before), to teach “the proper way of the world.” It gives us practical advice on how things should be done [that an animal should be watered (and properly hydrated) before slaughtered, so the skin does get stuck to its insides].
T’s lesson: We see here an apropos ending to the Masechta (Tractate). Many may see the Torah and its laws (especially related to this tractate) as intricate and not applicable. However, we should understand that the Torah is very relevant and to this day gives the most practical and useful advice. Although this Tractate has a lot of specific detail, it ends with some practical advice. Torah is not meant for only the saintly and angelic people who never need street smarts and everyday advice. The Torah helps us live life to our fullest, with tips and rules in every area and helpful worldly advice for each occasion.
MAZEL TOV on concluding Tracate BEITZAH!!!!!