29 Adar I, 5774 (3/1/14) – Sukkah#26 {Tani}
Rav: It is prohibited to sleep during the day more than the sleep of a horse, which is 60 breaths, due to bittul torah (disruption of Torah learning).
T’s Lesson: We should be mindful of all the time that we waste throughout the day. Even if we are not on the level of the sages, (who did not even take a nap or waste ANY time), we should try to capitalize on our time throughout the day as much as possible. We should fill our time with meaningful pursuit, even if it is only using the few extra minutes a day we have. It could be between mincha and maariv, a break during the workday or even on the drive home. Some ideas would be to squeeze in learning parts of Parsha or to listen to bits of an audio shiur.