יום ו Date: 25 Nissan, 5774 (4/25/14) – Beitzah#26 {Eliezer}

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[26a middle] Gemarah: One must examine a Bechor (first-born) animal for a permanent blemish on YomTov [if the animal has one, it then becomes permissible to the owner].
R’ Binyomin Adler: Just like we have to examine Bechors for a blemishes, we are required to examine ourselves at all times for any blemishes that would technically render us unfit for serving Hashem. It is said that G-d desires the ones who are broken-hearted. How can we be broken-hearted yet simultaneously be in states of perfection that allow us to serve Hashem? The answer is that when we are contrite and recognize our unworthiness, that is the perfection that G-d is seeking. It is truly the broken-hearted people who can serve Hashem with pure faith.

E’s Lesson: We cannot let G-d into our lives if our egos are in the way. Additionally, FAITH is only truly shown when we are tested the greatest. It is easy to thank Hashem when things are going well. The real test comes when we are down, beaten and broken. Are we able to say “Gam Zu Latovah” (this too is for the good) in harsh times? Our true test of Emunah (faith) is in the hard times and that is what Hashem craves from us; CLOSENESS, when we have chance to perceive a false distance.