יום ג Date: 8 Nissan, 5774 (4/8/14) – Beitzah#9 {Tani}

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Who’s Watching? – 

R’ Yehudah in the name of Rav [9A middle]: When the Rabbis prohibit something due to maros ayin (the appearance of wrongdoing), the act is prohibited even in private / behind closed doors.

T’s Lesson: We understand that we should not do something questionable in public, because it may give off the wrong impression. A person may think to himself, “I really need the bathroom, but I will not go use the one in McDonald’s because of Maris Ayin.” However, the same person may buy a Hershey’s product from abroad without a hechsher (Kosher symbol) and and eat it, because he “knows” it is Kosher (but others may not). We should remember to worry about Maros Ayin all the time, whether in public or private, because Hashem is always watching.