יום ב Date: 7 Nissan, 5774 (4/7/14) – Beitzah#8 {Tani}

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BloodCovering –

R’ Yehudah quoting Rav [8a middle]: One may only use oven-ash to cover blood of a slaughtered animal on YomTov if the ash was designated and set aside before the Holiday started to be used.

T’s Lesson#1: We tend to do many of our tasks at the last minute. The Gemarah teaches that the only way to benefit from ash, even to do a mitzvah such as covering blood, is to have the intention ahead of time. A person may not just find ash later and use it. One needs to think ahead and plan for the future. As Pireki Avos teaches, “Who is wise? One who foresees the future of his actions.” We should always plan for the future and not wait until the last minute.

Gemarah [8b bottom]: On YomTov, the Rabbis did not trouble one to cover the blood of a “koy” since its classification is doubtful [either a Chayah (wild animal) or a Beheima (domesticated animal)]. If one did cover it, that would fall into the action category of  “tirchah shelo litsorech”, a “burden that is not for a need/ a needless effort.” This activity may even falsely show others that forbidden fats of this animal are Halachically permitted.

T’s Lesson #2: We should refrain from doing actions that are not necessary on YomTov. We should not think to ourselves “If only I had these days to work, I could make more money.” Our Rabbis help ensure that we relax and refrain from unnecessary work. It is a huge blessing to be able to sit back and serve Hashem without the mundane worries of everyday life on our Holidays.