יום א Date: 6 Nissan, 5774 (4/6/14) – Beitzah#7 {Tani}

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Why did the Chicken cross the Bridge?

Gemarah [7b top]: If there is a river between a rooster and a hen, the eggs laid by the hen are assumed unfertilized because a rooster will not cross the river to come to the hen. If there is a bridge over the river, the rooster will come, but most unlikely if it is a rope bridge. If a rooster is less than sixty houses away, and there is no river in between the hen and rooster, it is assumed the eggs would have been fertilized.

T’s lesson: We see how far a rooster will travel in order to find his mate, his hen, to fertilize her eggs. We should learn from this how far we should go in order to take care of our own hens, our spouses and children. We should travel near and far, over the river and through the woods, from all ends of the earth to make sure their needs are met. This is the case with our Torah and Hashem as well. We must try our hardest through thick and thin to take care and fulfill His commandments, no matter how hard.