יום ו Date: 4 Nissan, 5774 (4/4/14) – Beitzah#5 {Tani}
Ula (some say Rabbah bar BarChanah in R’ Yochanana’s name) [5a bottom]: If Urla (produce in its fourth year) is located within a day’s distance to Yerushalayim, must be brought as is and it may not be redeemed for money. This is mandated, in order to make the markets of Yerushalayim look beautiful and bountiful (otherwise there might just be many coins instead).
T’s lesson: The city of gold should always appear allustrious in its presentation. This is the city where hHashem chose to build His home and rest His presence. We must try in every way possible to keep it as beautiful as possible. As the Gemarah demonstrates, even taking fruit away from its shelves would lessen the splendor of Yerushalayim. We are required to keep His city majestic. Even when we only visit we should be extra careful not to ruin its beauty through filth of the hands (garbage) or mouth [loshon hora (evil speech)].