יום ד Date: 2 Nissan, 5774 (4/2/14) – Beitzah#3 {Tani}
Gemarah [3b middle]: If on Shabbos an egg has a doubtful Halachik (lawful) status Rabbinically, we apply “safek d’rabban l’kulah” (we are lenient). If the status is Biblically questionable [like by Rabbah’s idea of ‘hachanah’ (something set aside) which comes from a Torah source], we apply “safek d’oraisa l’chumrah,” (we are stringent) and the egg becomes prohibited.
T’s Lesson: Why is there this distinction between laws that cause us to be more lenient with Rabbinic laws? The Rabbis gave us safeguards from doing harm, and if there is a chance we did the right thing, the Rabbis may allow the guard to fall away. However, in actual Biblical law (not just protective fences), we can not take any chances. The risks are too high when questionable transgressions apply. We must never take high-risk cases into our own hands. We must be as careful with Rabbinic law as we are with Biblical, and trust that our greater more knowledgeable leaders will always steer us in the proper direction to serve Hashem correctly.