יום ב Date: 29 Adar II, 5774 (3/31/14) – Sukkah#56 {Eliezer}
ONEness –
Braisa [56b bottom]: A woman married a Greek officer and when they conquered the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple), she stood atop and kicked the Mizbaiyach (Altar). She yelled at G-d for stealing all the Jews’ money and not standing up for them in their time of need. After hearing of what transpired, the Rabbanan closed the ring (that was used for preparing sacrifices) of that group that her family belonged to. She learned disrespect from her parents, and her entire group/watch was even penalized because “woe to the wicked one and woe to his neighbor.”
The Rabbis did not remove the ring, rather they only locked it closed.
R’ Ronser: Even though there must be a consequence to teach a lesson, the Rabbis did not want to embarrass the group too much.
E’s Lesson #1: Even when punishment is required we must remain sensitive to others’ feelings. Never get “lost” in absolute judgement and remember we are only still in existence because of G-d’s loving mercy.
E’s Lesson#2: We are a nation of ONE. “K’ish Echad Belaiv Echad” (like one man with one heart). A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. But, the concept gets expounded much greater as well. The Torah says [Devarim 6:4] in Shema, “Hear, O Israel the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is ONE.” The truth is, there IS only ONE without any separate distinctions. [Devarim 4:35] “There is Nothing Else besides Him.” We only perceive divisions when we try to recognize ourSELVES as important. May we all strive to nullify our own existences and egos, and become “connected” to the true ultimate ONEness.