יום ד Date: 24 Adar II, 5774 (3/26/14) – Sukkah#51 {Eliezer}
Gemarah [51a top]: Is a slave allowed to be part of the orchestra on the steps in the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple) while the Leviim are singing during the Daily Sacrifice? R’ Meir: Yes, R’ Yose and R’ Chanina ben Antigonus: No. The question of the Gemarah revolves around the issue of when people are scanning the instrument players for potential Shidduchim (matches) do we suspect him of being bachelor material (from appropriate genealogy) for a specific girl or not [Kohanim used to many other Kohanim ect..].
Shemen Hatov (has a Haggadah out now): Why is there such a Focus on FAMILY on Pesach? There is much more importance stressed about children on Pesch than Sukkos, Chanukah, and even Rosh Hashona. “Tell over to your son,” “Tell your children you went out of Egypt,” “The Four sons” Children Ask “Mah Nishtana…” We are Celebrating that we are FREE and no longer slaves. The Attribute of slavery is one of no familial connections. The defining difference is the Halachik spiritual status of physical relatives.
R’ Rosner: Noach cursed his son Cham to become the first slave ever in history (Eved C’naan). Cham had no respect for his family, he disgraced his father and brought his brothers along for the sin. He did note value and respect family, so he lost his.
E’s Lesson #1: Value, cherish, and get completely lost in focus in our families. Our spouses must be our first and highest priorities in life (and he/she will then encourage a G-dly relationship even more). Do not get distracted when involved with our children. Show them full and undivided attention and build tremendous bonds that will endure for generations to come.
E’s Lesson #2: Jews are taught lessons out of love. Small flickers are always hinted to at first, but tough love burns hot and bright when messages are missed. Work on correcting flaws before they manifest, so we do not have to suffer consequences [and G-d always uses “Measure for Measure”]. When we do get hit, recognize the relevance, learn from it, and become the people we were meant to be.