יום ג Date: 29 Nisan, 5777 (4/25/17) – Bava Basra Daf 93 ~ Eliezer Guterman
[93a middle] Tanna Kamma / Rabbanan: If an ox was grazing and a killed ox was found at its side, even though it was definitely gored and the other ox (the grazing one) is wont to gore, we do not say, “It is definite that it gored or bit the other” (for there are many oxen in the vicinity and we do not presume that it was this ox that killed it).
D-E-ep Thoughts: Even where the is ‘circumstantial evidence’ we must never jump to conclusions. No one ever truly knows another individual and G-d tests us to see what kind of responses we are going to give.
Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: Tonight’s Sefirah Counting #15 is “Chessed of Tiferes” (Kindness within Harmony). We are tasked all day with finding the beauty in those we especially do not like. Beis Hillel: Tell the husband of an ugly bride that she is beautiful, because she IS beautiful in the eyes of her husband [Tosephos: Even an ‘ugly’ bride has some aspect of beauty about her].