יום ד Date: 3 Adar, 5777 (3/1/17) – Bava Basra Daf 38 ~ Tani Guterman
[38a middle] Mishnah: If the owner of a property lived in Yehudah, but his property, which an assumed occupant was trying to establish a Chazakah (legal acquisition by right of possession) on, was in Galil, or the other way around, the Chazakah is invalid (unless the owner is in the same province).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to be ‘in the same place’ and on the same page as those around us (especially our spouses and families). It is often difficult to manage diverse personalities. But, when we sync with common goals to bring up our children with proper Middos and ethical dealings, we invite the Divine Presence into our homes and establish honesty, truth, and peace.