יום ב Date: 17 Shevat, 5777 (2/13/17) – Bava Basra Daf 22 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[22a bottom] R’ Yosef said to R’ Dimi of Nehardea, “The G-d who does not delay in punishments (like by Edom), will not delay in delivering punishments for your affliction.” After this declared statement, R’ Adda bar Abba died [since he was the direct one who did not allow R’ Dimi of Nehardea to sell his produce (which ended up spoiling)]. R’ Yosef acknowledged blame for what he said and did Teshuva. Tosephos: If anyone is ever punished because of something we said or did, it is a direct message for us to reflect upon.
R’ Rosner: People will get what G-d has coming to them anyway, but we should not be involved in their affairs. If we are agents of ‘evil’ we must hold ourselves responsible.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Whenever we are involved in bringing someone else hardships (even if only through words), we must never use the excuse of ‘they had it coming anyway.’ We are 100% accountable for what we think, say, and do. Even if punishment is brought through something associated with us accidentally, we should open our eyes and try to understand what Hashem is trying to teach us and do more Teshuva.

Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: It is not our place to judge others nor ‘punish’ them for something we think they may have done wrong (unless we are in fact judges in court or parents/teachers trying to help properly educate our children).