יום ד Date: 27 Teves, 5777 (1/25/17) – Bava Basra Daf 3 ~ Tani Guterman
27 Teves’s Learning is In Memory of:
ר׳ דוד אברהם בן חייא קהת ~ R’ Dovid Winiarz ~
On his 2nd Yartzeit. May his Neshama have a continued Aliyah…
[3b bottom] Gemarah: A Shul must be used and treated as a house of G-d.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Whenever we enter into a Shul, we should transform our mindsets. In a super spiritual environment, business may not go on as usual. It is important to limit our minds’ distractions, watch our speech, and act with greater humility and awe.