יום ו Date: 15 Teves, 5777 (1/13/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 109 ~ Tani Guterman
[109a bottom] Rava: Teachers of children, gardeners, butchers, Mohels (circumcisers), and town scribes are all considered as having been ‘forewarned’ (i.e. if they make critical irrecoverable errors, they may be dismissed / held accountable without notice).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always take great care to be extremely proficient in whatever trades or professions that we are involved in. Not only should we perform in exemplary ways for our own statuses, but we should care to make sure that all our students, patients, clients and buyers are all sufficiently set with their own needs as well (for their own sakes).