יום א Date: 10 Teves, 5777 (1/8/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 104 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[104a top] Braisa: If one says to his fellow, “I am selling you a Beis Kor (75,000 square Amos) of land,” even if it contains only a Lesech (half of a Kor), the sale is valid, because he sold him only a field by name; providing, however, that it is called a Beis Kor.
R’ Rosner: There are times when we use phrases that are not literal, but they teach us something. “Shaloshudis” the third meal on Shabbos, we call Shalosh Seudos. It literally means “three meals” rather than properly naming it the “third meal.” Chidah: The first two meals we eat on Shabbos are not specifically revealing of the fact that we are trying to do Mitzvos [on Friday night we might just be hungry after a long day and at lunch time the next day we might be eating a ‘regular’ meal]. But, when we eat Shaloshudis (especially after we might not even be so hungry any more), this culmination shows that we are/were doing all “three meals” specifically for Heaven’s Sake.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Exact same actions done by different people, with divergent intentions, can have drastically different results. If we are able to bring ourselves to the point of action while performing favorably, we should at least keep proper positive perspectives with mental and emotional focuses as well.

Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: When we take out the garbage, change a dirty diaper, or clean up a mess, we should remember to also put SMILES on our faces. The Jewish people were threatened with terrible curses not because they failed to do Mitzvos, but because they did not do them Be’Simcha (with JOY). Everything we do should bring us Happiness as we are (hopefully) fulfilling G-d’s commandments and everything that He showers us with is through absolute Love.