שבת Date: 9 Teves, 5777 (1/7/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 103 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[103b top] Mishnah: Just as an owner and sharecropper worker split wine, they also split the cut vines and sticks (that hold up the vines).
R’ Rosner quoting R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: A Chosson (groom) and a Kallah (bride) are compared to vines. This is because vines always need to be supported (ie: held up by poles). So too, newly married couples should not look to go off on their own and recognize the need and importance of support by their communities, friends, and families [Radbichai: this is also be why a Chosson and Kallah start out their married lives with 7 full days of Sheva Brachos (including fully prepared meals surrounded by their friends and families)]. Just as vines bear great grapes and fantastic wines, so too should newly married couples be blessed with many valuable “fruits”/offspring as well.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Although there are pushes in modern society to be ‘independently wealthy’ and ‘lone superstars’ we should all remember our roots. We all come from somewhere and our backgrounds tremendously help to influence our successes. It is important to respect, appreciate, and retain close bonds to those who have meant much to us.

Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: Reach out to someone from our pasts who has somehow had an important impact on our lives. Tell them what they have really meant to us and how we would like to maintain a somewhat regular relationship (even just through calls or emails).