יום ד Date: 6 Teves, 5777 (1/4/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 100 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[100a top] Gemarah: The one who is looking to take something out of his friend’s property is burdened with providing the proof [for we assume the item belongs to the individual whose possession it is in].
R’ Ashi [GM’ Bava Kamma #46]: This rule can be derived from logic, for one who feels pain goes to a doctor. Shita Mikubetzes: Just as a doctor will only prescribe medication once there is proof of sickness and/or symptoms, so too must a claimant prove that ‘someone else’s item’ belongs to him (to obtain it).

D-E-ep Thoughts: In Western medicine, only people who are sick people go to doctors. Eastern medicine, however, teaches a preventative approach. These ideas and ideals are borrowed from Torah values (as is much information about Energy and Elements). Hashem, through His Torah and Teachings, tries to get us to lead the most perfect and pure lives (to avoid sickness/corruption) [but also recognizes the need for and importance of Teshuvah].