יום ג Date: 23 Adar II, 5774 (3/25/14) – Sukkah#50 {Tani}
Snake’s POISON –
R’ Nechemiah [50a bottom]: Uncovered water is unsafe to drink because a snake could put its poison into it (and undrinkable water may not be used on the Altar). If there was a strainer over the barrel, the poison would be separated and then it is permitted to drink. However, even though there may no longer be an inherent danger to drink it, when we offer it to G-d we use much higher standards and such water would still be disqualified to use.
T’s Lesson: We know from the days of the beginning of creation, the Yetzer Hara (evil inclination) is embodied by the snake. Its words were its “poison” which unleashed evil upon mankind. That evil forced everyone from Gan Eden into a world of hard work and labor pains.
The evil inclination (the snake) used to be an external “YOU should sin.” But after eating and ingesting from the Tree, it is now inside of us. ‘Post-sin,’ whenever something tempts us we think, “I would love that!” and only an external faint goodness of “YOU should think twice about that” is manifested.
The evil inclination is almost everywhere. Whether it be within subtle messages in tv, movies, music, books, slogans, advertisements, or bringing sin to the world in every form imaginable. We must distance from the poison around and within us. What does non-Jewish society value? Hollywood stars and singers, material possessions, physical beauty, fame, fortune, money and riches. The snake has encroached throughout the world in our modern times.
If our WATER (ie: Torah) is manifest through our mitzvos and good deeds, then it sustains our lives and all of creation. Keep the snake and its poison as distant as possible.
Keep our barrels covered, protect our bodies from the poison of the snake, and keep drinking from the purest of waters.