שבת Date: 11 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/12/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 47 ~ Tani Guterman

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[47b top] Braisa: R’ Yishmael: The words, “And you shall bind the money in your hands..” come to include anything that can be bound in a hand as an acceptable medium for deconsecrating Maaser Sheni (even items aside from actual money).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: In a ‘free shopping spree,’ one is only able to take home that which is remaining in a person’s hands [whatever is left on the shelves after the buzzer has sounded is completely off limits]. So too, (L’havdil), we have to make great efforts to grab onto and ‘bind’ as many Mitzvos as we can to our hands. Instead of frantically scrounging when the shot clock nears zero, we should maximize every opportunity to fulfill commandments with ease of mind and proper focus while we still can.