יום ה Date: 9 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/10/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 45 ~ Tani Guterman

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[45a top] Beis Shammai hold that one (Rashi🙂 may / (Tosephos🙂 must convert ALL his Copper Ma’aser Sheni coins onto a Silver Sela coin.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to give “our all” into everything that we do. We should not be diverting our attentions from the actions we are involved in. In order not to do things half-witted, we should focus all our energies and give 100% of ourselves where possible [ie: listening to our spouses/kids when they talk, and learning Torah with intense/undivided concentration]. We should make sure put all our efforts into what we deep down hold dear.