יום ה Date: 18 Tishrei, 5776 (10/20/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 24 ~ Eliezer Guterman
[24a top] Mar Zutra reasoned that since a certain young student washed his hands and dried them on his friend’s garment, he must have been the individual who had stolen a cup [for the student had no consideration for his friend’s property].
D-E-ep Thoughts: Little imperfections lead to big problems. When people do not care to ‘steal’ seemingly insignificant amounts, it creates imperfections and flaws within their characters. These bad Middos get solidified and start reflecting in larger areas and people have easier times violating more serious prohibitions. Conversely, the same holds true for developing strong positive attributes as well. When we are able to overcome small obstacles it builds our strength and endurance to be able to eventually conquer giant hurdles.