יום ג Date: 16 Tishrei, 5776 (10/18/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 22 ~ Eliezer
[22a middle] Rava answered a question that was posed against Abaye (the one who he is in disagreement with).
R’ Rosner: This is an example of Achdus (togetherness/unity) at its best. Even though Rava’s main opponent is Abaye, he is still helping out the other side [when Abaye was either not present or did not know of the answer himself].
D-E-ep Thoughts: Whatever arguments we have must be for the sake of Heaven. When we are able to diminish our own egos and act with the ultimate cause in mind, true goodness will spew forth. All our strong oppositions will melt away and our enemies will become our friends when we act with Heavenly righteousness.