יום א Date: 21 Adar II, 5774 (3/23/14) – Sukkah#48 {Tani}
Braisa [48b bottom]: The Kohen would go up the altar and offer the service by turning to the right (and walking counterclockwise completely around the top of the altar before coming down). He would turn left (and thereby retrace his steps) to avoid turning his back on the mizbaiach (altar) which would be disrespectful. [This rule does not apply when there are excessive amounts of offerings being brought or ones of which time was of the essence. In these cases the Kohen was allowed to go on his heels backwards and retrace steps.]
T’s Lesson: The only time one is allowed to show even a slight amount of disrespect (even to something as lifeless as a ramp or a floor) is when there is an overabundance of good involved. There is no other choice but to have to make do and “offend” a matter, to keep up with the sacrifices.
The only time we should ever think to show even slight disrespect is in relation to another mitzvah of a higher purpose (l’toeles). For example, we should only say no to giving tzedakah if we are already “tzeddaka’ed out” and have no money left to give. We are at most allowed to give 1/5 of our money to charity, but at least 1/10 is required. Loshon hara, may only be spoken if it for a real good purpose, such as for a shidduch/match for someone where crucial details need to be said to help the person. Otherwise, NEVER embarrass anything, and especially anyone.