יום ה Date: 4 Tishrei, 5776 (10/6/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 10 {Eliezer}

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[10a middle] R’ Nachman: When a worker picks up an item, it becomes acquired by his/her employer, since (while on the clock) the worker’s hand is an extension of the employer.
Rashi: But, if the worker wanted to acquire the item personally, the two minutes or so it took to obtain the item must be deducted from the expected employer’s pay.
GM’ Brachos: One must even cut short Benching while working!

D-E-ep Thoughts (based on R’ Rosner): Unless allowed by work guidelines, one must be extremely careful never to ‘steal’ time during work. When we commit ourselves to projects and jobs, we are not allowed to be even the least bit selfish to make short personal phone calls and must work with our fullest focus. We must remember that we are on working here in this world on “Company Time.” In order not to be accused of ‘theft,’ we may only perform Mitzvos and keep everything we do super spiritual.