שבת Date: 9 Adar II, 5776 (3/19/16) – Kidushin Daf 8 {Eliezer}

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[8a top] Gemarah: We might have thought that if people value specific items/utensils they could be used for betrothal purposes (even if they are inherently worth less than the required monetary amount needed).
Rashba [Shavuous]: When dealing with a utensil/tool, we do not care its inherent value. When it is needed for a specific purpose/functionality, it is only important if it can get the job done.

D-E-ep Thoughts: We need to focus on achieving our spiritual goals in this life and not get distracted by our tools. Everything that G-d gives us is meant to be used for Holiness. Sometimes (Heaven forbid), people get too distracted by their flashy gold hammers that they forget they are (just) meant to be used to hammer in nails.