יום ד Date: 22 Adar I, 5776 (3/2/16) – Gittin Daf 80 {Eliezer}

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[80a bottom] Gemarah: In regards to the Greek and Roman empires, which are no longer around, it is stated, “What was, was…”
R’ Rosner quoting Mark Twain: The greatest proof of G-d, is the Jews.
The Jews always were, and always will be. After everything we have been through, we are still standing. About the Jews it is stated, “King Dovid of Israel, lives on forever…”

D-E-ep Thoughts: No matter how hard we get knocked down, we always get back up again. Hashem made a promise to us, to be with us from the beginning of time until the end. Everything that comes our way is a gift from G-d (even though many times it may be hard to understand in the moment), and we can rest assured that He will always be with us and carry us across the finish line.