19 Adar I, 5774 (2/19/14) – Sukkah#16 {Eliezer}
R’ Dimi: In Tzipori R’ Yishmael son of R’ Yose ‘s Town didn’t have Torah to lein from and needed to get one from a home. Didn’t have Eruv Chatzeiros but REALIZED on Shabbos there were sheets hanging from poles to cut off and could be viewed as a combined area. Mechitza Teluya (hanging however high as if it touched the ground under it = Kosher wall). Eve though was not set in mind to use, the physical actuality of the created “coincidental” borders, are able to be used.
E’s Lesson: Hashem guides all our actions (even of hanging sheets to dry!) for a greater purpose even if initially we have no recognition at the time.