יום ג Date: 14 Adar I, 5776 (2/23/16) – Gittin Daf 72 {Tani}

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[72b bottom] Gemarah [explaining Mishnah]: If a man said, “This is your Get (divorce), on condition that I die from this illness,” and then the man got sick but “recovered” while still needing crutches, and then got sick again afterwards and passed away, an assessment is needed to know which illness caused his passing (to determine if the Get is vaild).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times in life we rely on “crutches” when we should be doing things fully ourselves [ie: only giving Tzedakah when an opportunity knocks on our door]. We should be thankful for all the energies we have and be sure to use our blessings to their fullest in serving our brethren and Hashem.