19 Adar II, 5774 (3/21/14) – Sukkah#46 {Tani}
Gemarah [46a bottom]: The characteristics of man and G-d are very different. Man is only able to add into something that is empty, but once a vessel is full, nothing can be added to it. However, for Hashem, He can add to something that is already full. Something that is empty (not having the capacity for it) cannot retain what Hashem gives. “It will be if someone listens…” This teaches that only one who is already accustomed to learning can retain that which is taught. Another interpretation explains, that if you review Torah, you will be able to receive new insights into it.
T’s Lesson #1: We should accustom ourselves to learning and doing mitzvos daily to continuously be worthy of G-d’s additional blessings. Hashem gives to those who can receive, and we should emulate His deed (i.e. giving tzedakah to worthy causes and giving rebuke only to those are re able to receive and internalize it).
We should also never be content with the learning we have already done. Don’t say, “I already learned the Torah last year” or “I did the daf yomi cycle once before, why do it again?” Never stop reviewing. You can always learn new insights into Torah, especially if you delve into it and make yourself worthy to receive new insight. Additionally, if you do not use it, you lose it.
R’ Zeira [46b bottom]: One should not tell his child that he will give him something, and then not give it to the child. This would teach the child that it is permitted to lie and not fulfil your word.
T’s Lesson #2: It is never too young to start teaching lessons to a child. The Rabbis are especially attuned to this to let us know how honest we have to be with ourselves and children at all times. It is crucial to try to keep one’s words and it is of the utmost importance in keeping with the idea of “Mi’dvar sheker tirchak” (distance from false words).