יום ג Date: 7 Adar I, 5776 (2/16/16) – Gittin Daf 65 {Eliezer}

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[65b top] Gemarah: Even if an agent was told specifically to go east to find a man (in order to fulfil his mission) but he went west instead, we have to assume that there is the possibility that he completed his task (even though it was in the seemingly wrong direction).
Shor Mitzyonim Behalacha: This is the same idea as in the Gemarah of Sukkah [Daf#53].
“The legs of a person take him where he is needed to be.” King Shlomo met the Angel of Death who was very upset because he needed to kill two people that day but was unable to find them. Immediately, Shlomo had them transported to the gates of the city of Luz to save them (since no one can die inside that city), but death caught them before they entered. The next morning, Shlomo found the Angel of Death extremely excited since he was instructed to kill them outside the gates of Luz and magically they appeared there just for him to carry out his deed.

D-E-ep Thoughts (based on R’ Rosner):  No matter what choices we seemingly make in life, we will always end up exactly where Hashem wants us to be at that particular moment in time. This understanding should comfort us, for whenever we get stuck in traffic or miss a flight, we should know that is is all Divinely orchestrated as part of His master plan and for a particular (good) purpose.