יום ה Date: 2 Adar I, 5776 (2/11/16) – Gittin Daf 60 {Tani}
[60b bottom] R’ Simi made a deal with Abaye that if he watered Abaye’s fields, then Abaye would learn Torah with him at night. Rav Simi then employed a ruse (using improperly combined Halachik statements) among the surrounding landowners in order to have Abaye’s fields watered before theirs. When Abaye heard what happened, he decided to show his disapproval (and ensure that people did not think that he was involved in any of the improper doings) and not eat of any of the produce from his fields during that entire year.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When we encounter something that is illegal or improper (in secular or Jewish law), we should make sure to voice our objections. The Torah teaches us to live by its laws and not to go along with the popular/trendy flow. We must rally for what is right using both our words and our actions.