יום ו Date: 5 Shevat, 5776 (1/15/16) – Gittin Daf 33 {Eliezer}

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[33a bottom] Gemarah: Rabbis have the power to uproot/undo a [Biblical] marriage.
RambaN: It is really more of a “threat” of uprooting a marriage, which is needed in this case to accomplish a means [ie: scaring a husband into not acting defiantly and delivering a Get properly].

D-E-ep Thoughts: As parents, many times we threaten our children with punishments in order to get them to behave properly. Of course, we would rather not have to take toys away to get them to listen, but sometimes it is necessary to teach them lessons. Hashem, similarly, loves us more than we will ever know and does not “want” to punish us. If we are able to recognize smaller hints and change our ways before more harmful events (G-d forbid) come our way, we would be spared from many unwanted hardships [even though these are also beneficial for us]. We should all become better through sweets and treats (positive reinforcements) and avoid the need for sour suffering.