יום ה Date: 4 Shevat, 5776 (1/14/16) – Gittin Daf 32 {Eliezer}

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[32a top] Mishnah: Even a second appointed agent may stop a first agent’s mission (and the original sender is not needed to involve himself).
Rashash: Just like a new court cannot overrule a previous court’s ruling (unless they are greater in wisdom and number), so too here we might have used the same logic and assumed that a new agent would possibly not have the power to negate the mission of the first one sent. This is because, once something is set in motion, its movement is much harder to stop.

D-E-ep Thoughts: We all have to fight our Yetzer Haras (evil inclinations) and get over our initial inertia. Instead of complaining how hard something may be to keep up, we should “Just Do it!” the first time and gain momentum. Once we have done it once, we have ‘proven’ to ourselves that it was possible and can take the repetition forward by copying our previous achievements one day/step at a time.