יום ד Date: 3 Shevat, 5776 (1/13/16) – Gittin Daf 31 {Eliezer}

[ A+ ] /[ A- ]


[31b middle] R’ Huna and R’ Chisda were sitting together when Geniva passed by them. One suggested to rise, while the other commented, “Shall we rise before a quarrelsome man?” [Geniva argued with Mar Ukva, who was the head of the Beis Din court].

R’ Rosner explaining Ben Yehoyada: If someone teaches an inappropriate Talmud (student) [who is argumentative], it is as if he plants an Asheira tree (used for idol worship).
A Talmud Chacham (Torah scholar) is called an ox / “Shor,” ש-ו-ר. A Talmud who is divisive takes the “ו” (letter “vav”) and splits it to move each half of the line to the letters before and after it to make them the א and ה of א-שר-ה (the Asheira tree).

Shor aheira







D-E-ep Thoughts: Creating Machlokes (argumentation) is tantamount to idolatry [as both are based on self-worship]. When we are able to place G-d in the center and full focus of our lives, there will be no room for us to be filled with haughtiness. When we maintain proper perspectives, we will never be able to argue with others (if it is not for Heaven’s sake), and we will not get mixed up in worshiping false “gods”/methods (as they are only means for selfish gain).