יום ה Date: 26 Teves, 5776 (1/7/16) – Gittin Daf 25 {Tani}

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[25a middle] Mishnah [in Pesachim]: If a father makes a declaration (that he is slaughtering the Pesach offering for whichever of his sons get to Yerushalayim first), as soon as the first one enters the Holy city with his head and the greater portion of his body, he acquires his portion (and his brothers gain their portions through him).
R’ Yehudah quoting R’ Yochanan to R’ Hoshiyah: The father really had all of his children in mind for the sacrifice, but was simply encouraging his children to be eager to do Mitzvos [and race to be the first one there].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always train our children (and those around us) to be eager to do the will of Hashem. Even if at first we need to use games or other methods to make Mitzvos exciting, it is acceptable to use physical rewards to entice greater spiritual accomplishments.