17 Adar II, 5774 (3/19/14) – Sukkah#44 {Tani}
Tonight, 18 Adar II, is my brother Nachie’s Yartzeit.
Please learn in his memory: Menachem Tzvi ben Chaim Yitzchak. His Neshama should have an aliyah.
Aiyvu quoting R’ Elazar son of Tzadok [44b bottom]: A person should not travel 3 parsot (~3 hours) on Shabbos Eve, so there is enough time to prepare for Shabbos. R’ Kahanah: If one is a guest, then this rule does not apply. Others say that the law applies to a guest as well, to have enough time to prepare properly before Shabbos.
T’s Lesson: We are always rushing before Shabbos, no matter how much time we get. Many times I race against the clock to beat the entrance of Shabbos. Why do we do this? Shouldn’t the arrival of Shabbos be more peaceful? The satan (evil inclination) tries its best to fight us on Erev Shabbos. He make us rushed and tries to make us feel overwhelmed with preparations. Do not let the Yetzer Hara win. Learn to prepare extra early for Shabbos! Do not leave with minimal time to get somewhere, give extra time! There is no greater feeling than to let Shabbos in peacefully and in a most relaxed manner, as befitting the true Shabbos Queen.