יום ג Date: 10 Teves, 5776 (12/22/15) – Gittin#9 {Eliezer}

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[9a top] R’ Nachman: If someone on his deathbed gives away all his property and frees his slave, on the condition that he passes away, but then he recovers, all his property goes back into his possession, but his slave remains free.
Tosephos: The Rabbis instituted a special law in regards to a slave remaining free once his owner had stated it.
Radbichai: Unlike inanimate objects, slaves (people) have feelings and it is improper to dangle presents in front of their eyes and then take those away from them. We may not tease a slave with a ‘taste’ of freedom and then deny him/her that newly imagined free life.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Not only must we always follow through on our promises and keep our words to better our own character development, but we must also sincerely care for the sensitivity of others. When people attempt to transform their lives for the better, we should do everything in our power to assist them and keep dreams of optimism alive.