יום א Date: 8 Teves, 5776 (12/20/15) – Gittin#7 {Tani}

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[7a top] R’ Geviha from Argiza: If one has cause for anger against his fellow but remains quiet, then He who dwells forever (Hashem) will execute judgement on his behalf.
R’ Acha from Bei Chozaah: If one has a complaint about his livelihood against his fellow and keeps silent, then He who dwelled in the thornbush (Hashem) will execute judgement on his behalf.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Silence really is golden. Hashem always takes care of those who fight their inner wills and do the right thing (especially when it is excruciatingly hard to do so). We should always try to restrain our emotions, even when they may be ‘called for,’ and know that G-d will take up our cases and do the judgements for us.